(405) 748-6000

Regenerative Endodontics

In the past, developing teeth that suffered root damage often required our team to perform an apexification, which is an endodontic procedure that hardened the affected end of the canal and closed it entirely. While this was effective, it also had a negative consequence in that it caused the tooth’s canal to stop growing altogether. We’re now happy to offer regenerative endodontics as a revitalizing alternative here at our Oklahoma City practice in certain situations.

How does regenerative endodontics work?

Regenerative endodontics utilizes the revolutionary art of tissue engineering in order to restore the canals of an affected tooth to a healthy state. Although procedures like this are still relatively new to the medical world, many studies have positively suggested that immature teeth once thought “dead” are actually entirely capable of growing new, pulp-like tissues that can continue the development of their root. By fostering new growth for the affected tooth, we can also strengthen the hard tissues that are vital when it comes to preventing potential tooth fractures.

Here in Oklahoma City, our dedicated team of endodontists is fully committed to pursuing the latest and greatest techniques in our field so that we can provide our patients with care that’s always thorough, precise, and exceptional in quality. Contact Endodontic Associates today to schedule an initial consultation so that we can determine if regenerative endodontics is a viable treatment choice for your unique case. Any questions or concerns you may have are also welcome at any time. We can’t wait to hear from you!