(405) 748-6000


We’re convinced that today’s advanced technology provides us with many ways to keep you even more comfortable, while also allowing us to work more effectively during your treatment. Technology also helps us run our office smoothly and efficiently, so that we can concentrate our efforts on spending time with you, meeting your needs. Here are just a few examples of the kinds of technology we’ve invested in.

The Wand: a computerized anesthetic delivery system that controls the rate and amount of anesthetic, keeping you comfortable throughout your treatments.

Stereoscopic Microscopes: for microscopic surgery and calcified root canals.

Intra Oral Camera: A small camera that operates like a tiny camcorder, viewing the inside of your mouth and revealing everything to us on a computer screen for enlargement, analysis, and discussion.

Digital X-Rays: A means of visualizing and displaying on a computer screen what’s going on beneath the surface of your teeth and gums. Plus, you’re exposed to only a fraction of the radiation.

Computerized Apex Locater: A non-invasive, computerized electrode that accurately measures the length of your tooth.